Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I am doing so bad with blogging lately! I feel like I'm in a blogging rut haha. Anyways, last weekend was absolutely lovely. As usual, I forgot to take pictures. Frustrating. 

Philip and I got to Birmingham on Friday night. I got to see my sister which I was SO excited about!! 

Saturday Philip and I went to the Humane Society not that either of us are getting a dog, we just wanted to look haha. We also had a Mexico Reunion lunch that day and it was SO much fun. 

That night our family went to eat at Stix for CT's birthday. It was really fun. CT caught 5 shrimp in a row haha. Philip, CT and I went to see Clash of the Titans on Saturday night. It was good, but not my favorite. I really wanted to see The Last Song, but I think I'm going to wait until I read the book.

Sunday, for Easter we went to church and then to my Aunt's house. I really did try to take pictures that day, but my camera died so I only got a few. UGH. 

All in all it was a great weekend! Here are the only pictures I took haha.

This week is so busy for me. Test, debate, papers to work on. It feels like it will never end! 

It's been a good week so far though. Monday Philip and I went to watch my sorority's softball game. Tuesday, we went to the baseball game and then to see She's Out of My League with some friends. It was hilarious! It was a good movie for guys and girls. Tonight, they are showing Avatar outside on campus. I have been looking forward to this for a long time! I hope it'll be fun!

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!



  1. Oooh jealous about seeing Avatar! I didn't get to see it in theatres, but really wanted to! Sounds fun :)

  2. Oh, you really need to see it! I usually only like chick flicks, but I really liked this one! Haha.
