Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long Time, No Post

I know that no one actually cares, but to anyone that might, sorry for the lack of blogging lately. I still can't add pictures, so I've been very frustrated and not wanting to post, but I figure I have to post sooner or later. Haha.

Well, lately I haven't been up to much. Working some, going to the pool some. I've read and seen both The Last Song and Dear John. Loved both versions of both. Read Lauren Conrad's new book, loved it too. Currently reading So Long Insecurity. It's great so far and I recommend it to everyone, but especially everyone of the female sex.

Let's see what else. Had a "Mex Reunion", which is just where some of us from our Mexico Missions Team get together. Someone came up with the name "Mexers" which I think is cute haha. One day last week I had lunch with my friend, Jennifer (who I KNOW is reading this) and it lasted 4 hours. That must be some kind of record. Also, I got some furniture for the apartment...a desk, a bed, a dresser. Still need a few more items, but I'm getting there. I still have to paint ALL of the furniture so that'll be fun. Still need to work on Philip's one year gift. Haven't gotten very far on that haha.

Oh, last weekend, my mom, dad, CT and I all trooped down to Auburn and met up with Lo and her mom and sister to go look at our actual apartment for next year. Philip and Graham (who was there for the weekend) tagged along so of course it made for an interesting time.

This week is sure to be a long one. CT and the cousins left for Choir Tour with the church on Saturday (at 5 am. and yes, I went to see them off). Philip was here for part of the weekend so it made it not quite as bad, but the rest of the week won't be very fun. Maybe it will be better than I think. It's just hard for me to be an only child.

Well, I guess that's it for the update. I know how boring long, text only, blog posts are and I'm sure no one read this, but that's alright! I'll try to update sooner next time so it won't be so wordy since I'm sure my pictures still won't upload.

Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. I read it!!! Glad to see a post! I want to see a before picture of your new furniture whenever you get your picture stuff working again. I was obsessed with furniture shopping/renovating last summer.
