Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Am I 100? Yes.

Title taken from a quote concerning me by Allison (I know you're reading!) from Freshman year of college and I have to say that each year I just act increasingly older haha.

I am literally an old person.

Yesterday, I sat on my porch and read homework stuff while sipping sweet tea. Actually, I am sitting on my porch as I type this.
I have gotten really into coupons and deals at the grocery store. I go crazy when I see the words "buy one, get one free" or even "buy one, get one half off."
I try to go to bed by 11 or 11:30 every night.
Sleeping in is sleeping until 8.
I cook supper most nights.
I went to the new Publix today and raved to my friends and my mom about how clean and not crowded it was, and what wonderful costumer service it had.
I enjoy household chores, such as cleaning and laundry.
I keep wanting to use my money to buy things to decorate the apartment with.
Freshman are asking me things such as "How do you get to the mall?" and "Are there any seafood restaurants here?"
Last Friday night, I had friends over and had finger foods. And I did things like put salsa in bowls instead of leaving it in the jar.

Those are all the examples I can think of right now. But, you can see, I am old, despite the fact that lately at least 5 different strangers have said I look 16 or 17.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the week. Today has felt like Wednesday to me, and I don't know why!


Ps. I really do act my age sometimes.

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