Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Place I've Traveled To...


I'm blessed to have traveled to a lot of different places, but I'll pick this one to talk about for today.


These aren't my pictures because for some reason, all of my other Europe pictures made it on my computer except my Italy ones.

The summer after my senior year, I went on a 10 day trip to London, Paris and Rome. It was amazing. I liked London okay, loved Paris, but absolutely LOVED everything in Italy. We got to go to Florence, Assissi, Pisa, and Rome. 

I would love to go back to Italy and spend more time there. Before I did that though I would tackle the rest of my list of places I want to go which includes: Spain, Greece, Prague, Ireland, and thanks to the Bachelorette, Tahiti and/or St. Lucia and in the US: New York, California, and Hawaii.

Today, I finally saw the new Harry Potter with CT and it did not disappoint! Ahhhh! Now, I just want the next one to come out!! After lots of changing of plans, I started back to work today at the good ole Learning Express. It was pretty good and I'm glad to be back. 

I really want to bake some kind of cute Thanksgiving treat! Any suggestions? 


1 comment:


    Some of these are fall treats that may be fun to make! Hope you're enjoying the break so far :)
