Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day and Other Randomness

Well, Valentine's Day has come and gone and we've all seen:

the numerous girls' pictures on Facebook of the flowers their boyfriend gave them, 

and the many status updates: "My boyfriend, husband, fiance, etc. is the best. I came home and he had a candlelit dinner and roses and one of those little teddy bears that I'm not ever going to do anything with except let it sit in my room, etc." or "going to a Valentine's Day dinner with the best boyfriend, husband, fiance, etc. ever!"

and the many statuses and wall posts, "Happy Valentine's Day, ________. I love you! I'm so glad you're my Valentine, etc."

No offense to anyone who proudly displayed their love on Facebook yesterday. I'm sure it was very sweet and that your significant other enjoyed it. Personally, Valentine's Day is not my favorite holiday. Yes, I will celebrate it a little, but honestly, I would rather do something special for Philip and vice versa on another day where neither one of us feel obligated to and it's just something that comes from the heart. Not that it doesn't on Valentine's Day...but I think you catch my drift.

Although I did not take any pictures of anything yesterday, I will blog about what happened because after all, this blog is a way for me to journal and something for me to be able to look back on. 

I gave Philip these oreo balls that he's OBSESSED with:

I added some Valentine's colored sprinkles (see, I told you I do celebrate it some). They are super easy and SUPER yummy. If you would like the recipe, just let me know and I'll gladly give it to you. Thanks to Nicole for giving it to me!

I also gave him an Auburn balance band, whatever those things are called, Auburn National Champions kroakies, and Auburn Mardi Gras beads (as a joke for our trip to New Orleans in a few weeks). He doesn't like Auburn or anything. Oh, and some Butter Fingers.

And Philip gave me a lovely dinner of homemade shrimp alfredo, bread (not homemade haha) and peach cobbler on his back porch complete with candles and a dozen yellow roses. He also rented a movie (Eat Pray Love) for us to watch. It was very, very sweet and I loved every minute of it. And I love you, Philip Palmer!

And now today, I went to my kindergarden class from 8 am to 2 pm. I am exhausted. For some reason, we had many students go to yellow and red today. If you don't know what that means, just know: it's not good.

So after spending the day with them, I get to come home and do this:

Prepare for tomorrow's reading lesson (see below trifold board) and work on more lesson plans and reading. It's funny how all of the sudden my life has turned into lesson plans, children's books, and trying to find "professional" clothing to wear. I love it though and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Well, I guess I should get back to work. I hope everyone had a special Valentine's Day, I know I did (despite all of my thoughts about the holiday)!


1 comment:

  1. You're going to New Orleans?? When? And for what? How fun! Check out the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas... We went when I was like 13 and I was a fan haha

